Guardian – Ben Cantelon

Berowrabaps   -  

King of love and grace, my guardian

All my hopes and fears are in Your hands

I’m in Your hands


Where You go I’ll go, show me the way

Every step I take,be now my guide

God on my side


You go before me

You’re there beside me

And if I wander Love will find me

Goodness and mercy will always follow

You go before me

My Guardian


When I hear You say trust and obey

I will walk by faith and not by sight

God of my life


So let Your kingdom come Your will be done

All Your promises will stand forever

You’re my defender


You are God our great defender

Strong in love, forever faithful

We are Yours and we will trust in You


This song is a reminder that our God is with us, our strong defender who is ready to, and will, protect us. God is our Guardian.

We see these sorts of songs all the way through the Psalms as God is the protector of his people; and yet God as our protector is not something we often talk about these days. Naturally we do not live under the threat of violence or war like they used to, so naturally we don’t give it as much thought.

But we see God as protector of his people all the way through the bible. Countless battles are won by Yahweh, and so many of them are won from disastrous conditions! One of which of course is the story of Gideon who God tells to take on the might of the Midianite army. An army with more than 120,000 people in it! And Gideon scraped together 30,000 men and they were still outnumber four to one! 

And yet God said he had too many men, so he whittled it down to 10,000 men and then again to 300 men. And with 300 men Gideon went into battle. Why? Because God was going to fight for them, God was with them and his presence meant that even in hopeless situations there was still hope.

I’m reminded of stories like that as I sing this song. God will defend me, protect me, stand with me, be in front, behind and beside me. And his presence means I can always have hope and always have peace. No matter what I face.

Have a listen to the song here and may you find this hope and peace in this season my friends, and may you be blessed with God’s presence before, behind and beside you.

Much love,
